The Car Care Council distributes regular press releases, geared toward both the consumer media and the industry media, to further its message about the importance of preventive maintenance. For more information on any of the council’s releases, e-mail Rich White at or Lynn Konsbruck at, or call 312-768-7362.
All releases posted on this site are for immediate release and may be reprinted and reused with proper attribution to the Car Care Council as the source.
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Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Les automobilistes vivant dans des climats froids et mouillés ne connaissent que trop bien l’état des chaussées lors du dégel ou d’une inondation. Les nids-de-poule apparaissent et nuisent...
Drivers who live in cold and wet climates are all too familiar with what happens to roadways when the ice begins to thaw or flooding occurs. Potholes appear and they are a major pitfall of...
Bethesda, MD – 10 de marzo de 2020 – Los conductores que viven en climas fríos y húmedos están muy familiarizados con lo que sucede en las carreteras cuando el hielo comienza a derretirse o...
Drivers who live in cold and wet climates are all too familiar with what happens to roadways when the ice begins to thaw or flooding occurs. Potholes appear and they are a major pitfall of...
Quizás no las vea, o no sepa mucho de ellas, pero las bandas del motor están siempre funcionando para mantener su vehículo en movimiento. Perder una Banda puede significar un problema inmediato...