Usage Guidelines

The Car Care Council (CCC) established the following set of guidelines to assist you in proper use of the “Be Car Care Aware” logo(s). The power of the logo lies in its consistent and appropriate use. Any use outside these guidelines dilutes the effectiveness of the logo.

Guidelines for Using the “Be Car Care Aware” Logo

The logo may only be used on collateral material, documentation and advertising, including Web advertising.

These guidelines must be followed internally and externally for each and every use of the “Be Car Care Aware” logo. In addition, this document must be supplied to customers, partners, vendors and all other individuals or companies that will use the “Be Car Care Aware” logo.

Click here to download a quick reference sheet (.pdf/154 KB).

Sizing and Placement Requirements

CCC will provide electronic and camera-ready artwork of the logo. The artwork may not be altered (stretched, colorized, etc.) in any way. The logo may not be combined with any other features including, but not limited to, other logos, words or graphics.

None of the authorized words may be abbreviated, translated or transliterated as in non-English documentation. CCC will, however, provide the logo(s) in versions where the words may need to be translated for the local market, as available. You may not substitute your own translation of the logo.

The logo should never be ordered from any source other than CCC or its designee(s); it must be taken directly from an official reproduction sheet or from electronic artwork provided by CCC.

The “Be Car Care Aware” logo must stand alone. A minimum amount of empty space must be left between the logo and any other object, such as type, photography, borders, edges, etc. The required border of empty space around the logo must be 1/2 x wide, where x equals the height of the logo, as measured from the highest point of the logo to the lowest point of the logo.

Color Treatment

The official colors of the “Be Car Care Aware” logo are Pantone 199 red and Pantone 295 blue. The exhibits provided are the preferred versions for reproducing the “Be Car Care Aware” logo. However, the logo may also be reproduced in the black-only version.

Black and White

Black and white reproductions of the logo may be used positive or reversed, but the reversed version can only be used at the direction of CCC.


To download logos, right-click on the linked text, and choose “Save Target As.” This will prompt you to choose a location for the file on your local disk.

Usage Guidlelines

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